Category Archives: treatment actinic keratosis

Natural Herbal Remedies For Actinic Keratosis

The eventual remedy based on research designed to fight Actinic Keratosis

What is Actinic Keratosis?

Actinic Keratosis is a skin disorder in which involves very small, elevated rough and reddish bumps on the skin when a person has had a lot of sun exposure lately. This condition is common and most apparent in those with fair complexion and neat skin. The severe form of this disease can lead to skin cancer but at initial stages this disorder is less harmful but causes major discomfort. The bumps and lesions formed on the skin due to Actinic Keratosis are reddish in color and their texture is quite rough.

How is it caused?

Actinic Keratosis is caused due to several reasons amongst them all the major reason is excessive exposure to sun. People having fair skin are more prone to this disorder and those with blue or green eyes or even blond or red hair. Those who have had a kidney transplant in the past are also at a higher risk of suffering from this disorder. Medicines that usually suppress the immune system can also be a major cause of origination of Actinic Keratosis. Not just this severe sunburns and old age is also an eminent factor that leads to this skin disorder so one has to be very careful especially those with very fair complexion.

Symptoms of Disease

The signs and symptoms that help doctors identify and diagnose this disorder and understand the level of severity includes:

  • Bumps and lesions highly apparent on the scalp, face, hands back, chest or other areas of the skin that are highly exposed to sun.
  • Flat scaly areas on the skin
  • White, crusty and yellow scale on top of the bumps
  • Hard and wart-like rough surfaces
  • Hard to touch but not too visible on the skin

Treatment, Prevention & when to see the Doctor?

There are numerous treatment options that are available in the market for curing Actinic Keratosis but before that one should see the doctor so that they can identify the severity of this disorder and help you with the right treatment option. You should seek medical administration in cases when you see abnormal growths on the skin and your skin has started screaming due to the pain and discomfort these lesions have caused. When you see these abnormal growths not putting a full stop anywhere you should immediately consult a doctor because Actinic Keratosis in severe cases can cause skin cancer which then gets very difficult to treat if not controlled in time.

There are some careful prevention techniques that one should opt on their own to prevent severe damage done to the skin. You should wear hats, long sleeved shirts and a lot of sun screen before getting exposed to the sun. You should try to avoid sun exposure when the sun rays on its peak usually during the midday. You can also avoid sun lamps, tanning beds, and tanning salons while you are suffering from this skin ailment. Being a little careful can help a great deal in getting rid of this disorder before it can turn into malicious cancer.

Our Formula

We have constructed a formula that involved an amalgamation of various natural herbs that have been closely examined by the experts as offering clear benefits and ultimate cure for this skin disorder. The approval of manufacturing this herbal treatment has been done only after a careful research done by the experts. This mixture of nature’s best herbs offers an ultimate cure and superb results in the form of decrease in lesions and improved skin texture.

Why Us?

Why should you choose us is because we deliver the best to our customers and your health is our top priority the profit is secondary and falls in the lowest category. We believe in quality and the products that we have manufactured over the years transmit no side effects therefore you should definitely trust us completely and believe in the cure that we provide for getting rid of this skin ailment.


In short this herbal formula produced and approved by the experts carries the properties of nature because of the herbal ingredients used in its production.

Natural Herbal Remedies For Actinic Keratosis